イベント & ニュース
投稿日 2017年1月25日

国際シンポジウム“Science and Democracy, and the Role of Experts”のご案内(学会後援)

  • 開催期間


シンポジウム: Science and Democracy, and the Role of Experts
主催: 東京工業大学リベラルアーツ研究教育院

後援: 科学技術社会論学会

場所: 東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス
日時: 2017年3月2日13:30より3日16:20まで
招待者: Wiebe Bijker, Andrew Stirling, Michael Ornetzeder

問い合わせ: nakajima.h.ab【あっと】m.titech.ac.jp


2 March 2017 (Thurs.) –Room 933 Building West 9

13:30-14:00 Welcome Address

President or Vice President, Tokyo Institute of Technology (NA)
Noriyuki Ueda (Dean, ILA, Institute for Liberal Arts)

14:00-14:30 Opening Remarks: The Aim of the Symposium

Hideto Nakajima (Professor, ILA) 

14:30-15:20 Key Note 1: Science and Democracy

Wiebe Bijker (Professor, WTMC, ISC, University of Maastricht)

(15:20-15:50 Break)
15:50-16:30 Public Participation in Science and Technology in the Japanese 


Naoyuki Mikami (Associate Professor, Hokkaido University)

16:30-17:10 Expert Ethics for Scientific Decision Making

Jun Fudano (Professor, ILA)

17:30 Banquet (Centennial Hall, 4F)

3 March 2017(Fri.) –Royal Blue Hall at Tokyo Tech Front (TTF)

10:00-10:50 Guest Speech: Reactor Decommissioning and Tokyo Tech.

Toru Obara (Professor, Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy, Tokyo Tech.)

10:50-11:40 Key Note 2: Decision Making under Uncertainty

Andrew Stirling (Professor, SPRU, Sussex University)

11:40-12:20 Competing Ways of Framing the Problem of Voluntary Evacuation from Fukushima

Hideyuki Hirakawa (Professor, Osaka University)

(12:20-13:30 Lunch Break)
13:30-14:20 Key Note 3: Energy Transitions in the Austrian Building Sector

Michael Ornetzeder (Senior Scientist, Institute of Technology Assessment Austrian Academy of Science)

14:20-15:00 Social Analysis on Expert, Non-Experts, and Technologies

Takehiro Inohara (Professor, ILA)

(15:00-15:20 Break)
15:20-16:20 General Discussion

Chair and Discussant: Masashi Shirabe (Professor, ILA)

16:20 Closing Remarks

Yuko Fujigaki (Prof. University of Tokyo, President JSSTS)